Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sanctity of Life


[sangk-ti-tee] Show IPA

noun, plural sanc·ti·ties.
1. holiness, saintliness, or godliness.
2. sacred or hallowed character: the inviolable sanctity of the temple.
3. a sacred thing.


[lahyf] Show IPA noun, plural lives [lahyvz] Show IPA , adjective
1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.
4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.
When thinking recently of Sanctity of Life, I felt inspired to put this video together.  These are just some of the families very near and dear to me who have been called by God to walk the Narrow Road of adoption.  Not an easy journey by any means, but one full of blessings.
Speaking from my own experience, when we adopted our first child, after he came home, we almost immediately started our second adoption.  When we brought our second son home (third child in our family) I was ready to dive right in again.  It was my husband that said "You can't save them ALL!"  I loved the front row seat I had to watching God work and change his heart. 
Speaking from a friend who is now in the process of their 5th adoption (8th child in their family) when she first brought adoption up to her husband his response was "I'm not into that adoption thing."  Seeing the deep faith and heart change of this godly man, who puts all trust and faith in God to provide for their family is amazing. 
There is no "gray area" when reading God's direction in Isaiah for caring for the orphans.  There is no way of interpreting that verse other than for what it is "to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." The only thing for you to question is in what way can you care for the orphans?  We are all not called to adopt...but the truth is, we are ALL called.
Our stories are all very different.  Our children's stories are also very different.   But the one thing in common of all is that God's plan and purpose for each LIFE as well as our faith in God to walk us thru each one of our journeys to our children.
My prayer is that each day more of my friends and family see what difference they can make to ONE.  That does not mean that they have to adopt, there are so many ways to be involved with supporting the orphans.  If you ever want info on that, please let me know.  But the blessings to know you have helped ONE....there are no words. 
For those who have not seen this video, I thought I would share this as well. I made this for Sadie's adoption.  A true testimony to how our adoption, our submission to following God's call for us, mattered to this ONE.
Blessings to you my friends!!!


Anonymous said...

Great video Audrey! Keep doing what you are doing.

Nikki said...

Beautiful video!

Nikki - blog design to support children in need around the world